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8. Outworlds by Admin Apr 29, 2016 20:07:45 GMT
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Announcements from the staff concerning the site will be posted here, but pinned to the top of all boards.

The Grand Opening! by Admin Apr 30, 2016 0:45:42 GMT
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If you have any questions concerning the site, the setting, the plot, your characters or the combat system, or whatever else you might think of, post them here and staff will answer as soon as possible.

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Character Creation

Post your character application here, using the template found within. Once it's complete, post a link in the Notification Thread and staff will review it as soon as possible.

Genji Touhou [[in progress]] by yuki Jun 4, 2016 11:05:18 GMT
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Accepted Characters

This is where all of the accepted characters are held.

Athadra by Admin May 6, 2016 3:20:20 GMT
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Post your character's relationship page and plotter in here. Wanted Ads are also found within.

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If you're opting into the PVE combat system make sure to fill out the Inventory template (found within) and post it here.

Rwaht's Inventory by Rwaht Apr 30, 2016 1:20:11 GMT
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All things pertaining to quests, including sign-up and Stabilization Quest requests will be posted here.

Stabilization Quest Form by Admin Apr 29, 2016 20:14:44 GMT
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The Empire

The Imperial City

A true bastion of civilization, the Imperial City is the centre of the empire, their pride and joy. It stands above all else as a beacon for what the empire can achieve, boasting technological marvels, the bulk of the empire's military presence, the finest education in the land and many other luxuries . . . for those who can afford them. The empire may see it as their gem, but no gem is without its flaws.

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The Sweeps of Thale

The Sweeps of Thale spreads as far as the eye can see around the Imperial City, littered with farms, thickets and few other landmarks. Anyone looking to traverse the empire will become quite familiar with the rolling grasslands that connect its major cities, dotted with quiet hamlets so small they mightn't appear on a map, or ruins of a time long lost.

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Port Town

Port Town is perhaps one of the busiest places in the empire outside of the Imperial City. It boasts the single largest harbour to be found in the empire, even over the capital, and sees travellers of all walks of life pass through. Because it gets so much traffic it has quite the booming economy, and is often the one-stop shop for anything you might need.

Beyond the Veil [Athadra] by Athadra May 6, 2016 6:13:21 GMT
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Oya Plateau

Once a small mining town, Oya Plateau has become much more than that. From blacksmiths to furs and everything in between, this is the centre of civilization to be found among the treacherous mountaintops of Oyahn Mountains. And if the frigid climate is too much for you, some entrepreneurial souls have even taken advantage of the natural hot springs to open a world renowned bathhouse.

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Oyahn Mountains

The Oyahn Mountains spread across the western and the northern coasts of Astrae, separating the empire from the devastating tundras of Yawhil while simultaneously providing the world with a wealth of ores and minerals. Despite being silent sentinels over the land for centuries, these mountaintops are vastly unexplored and hold ancient secrets deep within.

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The quaint little village of Hamlet is nestled at the very edge of the green expanse known as the Sayera Forest. While normally a relatively calm place, Hamlet has seen increasing activity from the empire with the spread of Outlanders, given the rumours that the rebellion operates from deep within the Sayera Forest and harbours many of these fugitives.

Out of Time [Quillfeather] by Rwaht Apr 30, 2016 19:14:15 GMT
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Sayera Forest

One of the thickest and largest forests in Astrae, Sayera Forest holds many secrets within. Rumour has it that the rebellion's base of operations lays somewhere near the edges. The deeper one travels inward, however, the stranger things get. From mysterious ruins to entire patches of desolation to tales of ancient curses, the forest remains an uncharted enigma.

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Beyond the Border

Yehran Village

Nestled in a break in the mountains near the sea, Yehran lies on the far side of the desert from the empire, giving it ample space to remain independent of their rule. It's a bastion of free people and supposedly has ties with the rebellion, however there is still a strong imperial presence to be found here. It offers salvation from the desolation of the desert and one of the last free ports in Astrae.

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Xeranos Desert

The desert is desolate, lonely, fatal to any who wander into it unprepared. It's ripe with bandits, monsters and some of the most dangerous, spontaneous weather conditions in the land. Yet there is much promise in that wasteland, tales of treasure, of ancient civilizations, of gods and of power unknown to any to be found by the first wayward adventurer to stumble upon it.

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Isles of Lahrea

The Isles of Lahrea remain well outside the empire's control, for there are far too many to truly reign over. Islands litter the coasts along the southern part of the Lahrean Sea. Some are simple, lonely points on the horizon while others host pirates, bandits, even parts of the rebellion. With so many islands to explore, too many to even name, there are numerous adventures awaiting the wayward sailor.

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Yawhil Tundra

The frozen lands of Yawhil play host to the coldest climate in all of Astrae. Because of its isolation from the world due to the Oyahn Mountains it's mostly been untouched by the empire, and plays host to several tribes of wildlings, people who live at the mercy of the land and of their own abilities to find shelter. These people are considered savages by the empire, and were once considered for conquering.

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The Wastes of Creyos

The great spire of Creyos lies to the far east, and has reaped nothing but destruction on the country-side around it. This active volcano periodically sees grand eruptions, leaving naught but a wasteland around it, and remains untouched and unwanted by the empire. The times when it's most active, during the eruptions, the ashes can be found as far away as Port Town.

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Clou Dryae Jungle

Kept safe from human hands by the wastes of Creyos, the Clou Dryae Jungle remains some of the most wild, uncivilized lands in Astrae. Few humans have ever walked through these lands and those that have rarely return unscathed, if at all. This jungle contains unknown creatures and some of the most savage conditions to be found, meaning only the most prepared or capable would even survive a day.

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ZapdosZulu: Heart Gold/Soul Silver Pokémon RP by Professor Oak Jan 4, 2024 7:45:29 GMT
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