
The Academy of Magic

Moved from the capital to the inland edges of Port Town, the Academy of Magic still holds the world's largest collection of magical knowledge and wisdom, producing some of the top Imperial mages for the military and nurturing any sort of magical talent.

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The Merchant's Sector

Port Town receives business from all areas of Astrae and even the continents beyond. It's the only port that accepts worldwide traffic and so it sees some of the rarest, most exquisite goods pass through. If you want something, you can find it being sold somewhere along this street.

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The Harbour

Of course this is the most prominent feature of Port Town, a wooden jungle of docks, warehouses and even a beach. This is the centre of the city and the source of its economic prosperity. Just be careful at night; because of it's size and labyrinthine construction it's quite difficult to patrol efficiently.

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Port Town

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created by Admin last post by Admin
Apr 30, 2016 0:45:42 GMT
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created by Rwaht last post by Athadra
May 6, 2016 6:13:21 GMT


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Port Town
Port Town is perhaps one of the busiest places in the empire outside of the Imperial City. It boasts the single largest harbour to be found in the empire, even over the capital, and sees travellers of all walks of life pass through. Because it gets so much traffic it has quite the booming economy, and is often the one-stop shop for anything you might need.
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