
The Imperial Castle

Once upon a time it might've been a majestic castle belonging to a king, but it has taken up a stony façade now, standing tall over the rest of the city and over the empire itself. This is home to the Emperor and his governing body.

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Imperial Knights Headquarters

Home to the Imperial Knights, the militaristic body that polices the Empire, this barracks is located just underneath the castle itself.

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The Institute of Technology

Once the home to the Academy of Magic, there's been a huge surge o technological breakthroughs in the Empire recently, and they've been riding on high. This sprawling structure is a patch job of workshops, laboratories and strange spires used for whatever experimentation is going on.

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The Upper Quarter

A city as great as the Imperial City is, of course, where anybody who's anybody lives. Noble families, distinguished military personnel and anybody with an ounce of influence live in great manors overlooking the majority of the city from on high.

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The Lower Quarter

On the very outskirts of the city are the slums. This is where the filth and the unfortunate all find themselves washing up to. Houses are cheap, often built in several layers and hardly secure or safe, but it's still a home.

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The Imperial City

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created by Admin last post by Admin
Apr 30, 2016 0:45:42 GMT


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The Imperial City
A true bastion of civilization, the Imperial City is the centre of the empire, their pride and joy. It stands above all else as a beacon for what the empire can achieve, boasting technological marvels, the bulk of the empire's military presence, the finest education in the land and many other luxuries . . . for those who can afford them. The empire may see it as their gem, but no gem is without its flaws.
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